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Questions to Understand and Identify Your Dream Buyer:
Where does your dream buyer hang out and congregate?
Name both online and offline places
where your dream buyers hang out and congregate. The more detailed and
specific, the better
Where does your dream buyer get their information?
When your dream buyer is in research mode,
where do they go to find the answers they seek?
Is it Google? A particular blog?.
What are their biggest frustrations and challenges?
Your dream buyer’s
frustrations and challenges
are integral to the products and services you offer. Whatever it is you are selling has to solve a problem large enough that your dream buyer will happily part with their hard- earned money for you to solve it for them.
What are their hopes, dreams, and desires?
Knowing your dream buyer’s hopes, dreams, and desires helps you paint a vivid picture of what life could be like after using your products and services.
Think of it as selling the dream and painting a picture of the Promised Land
What are their biggest fears?
What are your dream buyer’s deepest fears?
What keeps them up at night
, tossing and turning, unable to sleep?
What is their preferred form of communication?
Facebook Live? Or do they prefer physical mail? This is a matter of
where your audience wants you to communicate
with them.
Physical Mail
[group group-other1]
Please specify the other option
What phrases, exact language, and vernacular do they use?
You see, there is already language and niche-specific terms being used in your customer’s minds for their hopes, dreams, pain, fears, and desires. Your job is to listen and write them down. What
industry terminology
are they using, what specific vernacular and niche-specific terms?
What does a day in your dream buyer’s life look like?
Imagining what your ideal customer’s
daily life
looks like adds an incredible personal element to your marketing.
What makes them happy?
Where are the
in your dream buyer’s journey where you can insert surprises, do the unexpected, be remarkable, and
bring a smile to their face
About / Bio Information
Work History / Skills
What can you bring to your ideal client/customer? What have you trained in or mastered?
What factors make you good at what you do?
Personal values
What values helped shape who you are today? What helped drive you to your current line of work?
Professional values
What do you value most in a company you work for and or your business? What goals do you have in your professional life?
Why are you writing your bio? What do you hope to convey to those clients and customers who are reading your bio?
What professional goals have you reached? Have you been honored with awards? Did you meet or exceed your job responsibilities?
What aspects of your personal background brought you to this current stage in your life? What events of your personal life shaped your career path?
Education and credentials
What is your educational background? Where did you go to school? What did you study? Were you recognized with any educational awards or certifications?
What specific services do you offer?
Please list and or provide an existing website with the same or similar offerings.
Top Competitors
These should be people or companies who you look up to, want to emulate, or compete with your industry. (TOP PLAYERS)